Domo - London Fog, 120g

Domo - London Fog
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Domo - London Fog, 120g

Brand - Domo
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Quick Description

Domo’s London Fog is a unique blend of stoneground black tea, bergamot and vanilla. Add water or milk for a soothing instant tea or latte.

Key Information

  • Stoneground black tea, bergamot and vanilla blend
  • Mix with hot water or milk for instant tea or latte
  • Gluten-free
  • Non-GMO
  • All-natural

Product Overview

Are you yearning for that warming cuppa? Domo’s London Fog will transport you right to the British capital. But not to its busy bustling streets. By a fireplace, in a comfortable chair, under a cozy blanket. 

Domo’s London Fog brings you a comforting blend of stoneground authentic Earl Grey tea leaves, fragrant bergamot and sweet vanilla. 

And it’s easy peasy to make. No need for strainers and messy teapots, it works like instant coffee or latte mixes. Just mix it with hot water for a classic cup of black tea, or with your non-dairy milk of choice for a deliciously creamy and relaxing latte.

Domo’s London Fog is made with 100% natural ingredients. That’s thanks to the stone-grinding process, which means you consume the entire tea leaf. 


Organic evaporated Cane Juice, Natural Stone-Ground Black Tea leaves, All-Natural Bergamot, All-Natural Vanilla Flavor.

Frequently Asked Questions

What’s the difference between Domo’s London Fog and an Earl Grey Latte?

An Earl Grey Latte is a standard tea latte made with Earl Grey tea. The tea is simply mixed with frothed or steamed milk, and sugar or sweetener can be added. That's all.

Domo’s London Fog is the same, but with added vanilla. 

What are the benefits of Domo’s London Fog stoneground tea?

Domo’s London Fog has more benefits than your standard tea. This is because it contains stoneground tea. To make it, Earl Grey tea leaves are ground into a very fine powder using a stone. This process means the whole tea leaf is consumed, giving you ten times more antioxidants and nutrients than steeped tea.