Mogiana - Mogiana Coffee Various Flavours, 340g

Mogiana - Espresso Roast, 340g
Mogiana - Brazil Ernesto Gold Series, 340g
Mogiana - Guatemala Gold Series, 340g
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Mogiana - Mogiana Coffee Various Flavours, 340g

Brand - Mogiana
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Quick Description

Mogiana Coffee is a small-batch, artisan-roasted coffee that is sustainably grown on ethical farms. Delivering high-quality freshness and flavour.

Key Information

  • 100% Arabica coffee beans
  • Totally vegan
  • Premium small-batch coffee
  • Sustainable practices

Product Overview

Mogiana Coffee brings out the best in every bean with its premium small-batch coffee. They are consistent in quality, taste and care. To produce their artisan coffee, they only work with the highest quality, speciality grade Arabica beans.

These coffee beans are rich, with layers upon layers of complex flavours and aromas that harmonise to create great-tasting and satisfying blends. The Arabica beans are processed and roasted with the utmost care in order to deliver you a perfect cup of coffee every time.

Behind your morning coffee is a connection between excellent quality coffee from ethical farms using sustainable practices. There’s an increased use in renewable energy, as well as protecting the surrounding farmland.

Want Mogiana Coffee’s secret for the ultimate cup of coffee? Two tablespoons of coffee for every six ounces of water - enjoy!

Espresso Roast

The Espresso Blend is a classic and timeless blend. On the lighter side of a medium dark roast, this coffee has a fantastic flavour profile. This smooth and buttery blend is perfect for espressos, french press or drip coffee. Flavour notes include creamy chocolate and rich salted caramel. The Espresso Blend is Mogiana Coffee’s most popular blend, so you know you are in for a treat!

Brazil Ernesto Gold Series

The Brazil Ernest Gold Series is a single-origin, light roast with a lively character. From the region of Sul de Minas, this coffee is a delicate blend of complex flavours. Using a honey process allows the flavours to develop creating a richer blend. This coffee has the flavour notes of luxurious chocolate and raw cashew nuts, that harmonise to create the perfect balance of sweetness and bitterness.

Guatemala Gold Series

Another single-origin and light roast blend with a complex flavour profile, bound to satisfy all who try it. The Guatemala Gold Series has rich flavour notes from exotic fruits. Including the natural sweetness from candied orange peel and the tanginess of grapefruit and citrus, the Guatemala Gold Series delivers an exciting and unique cup of coffee. Using a washed process from the region of Antigua, each coffee bean is cultivated, harvested and processed with total care and dedication.


Espresso Roast
100% Arabica beans

Brazil Ernesto Gold Series
100% Arabica beans

Guatemala Gold Series
100% Arabica beans

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Mogiana Coffee’s views towards sustainability?

Sustainability is at the core of Mogiana Coffee! They are dedicated to supporting their community, their land for generations to come. Farmworkers and their families live on the family farm free of charge, creating a strong sense of community in the village.

Untouched forest makes up 20% of the farm property, and the increased use of renewable energy ensures more ethical approaches to producing excellent quality coffee.