Vega - One - All-in-One Shake Unsweetened Natural Multiple Sizes

Vega - One - All-in-One Shake Unsweetened Natural - 431g
Vega - One - All-in-One Shake Unsweetened Natural - 860g
Vega - One - All-in-One Shake Unsweetened Natural - 860g - back
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Vega - One - All-in-One Shake Unsweetened Natural Multiple Sizes

Brand - Vega
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Quick Description

Choose Vega One All-In-One Shake Unsweetened Natural and enjoy a delicious shake that’s packed full of vitamins, minerals, protein, fibre, probiotics, and more!

Key Information

  • 20g protein per serving
  • 50% DV of 8 vitamins & minerals
  • Probiotics
  • 500mg Omega-3 ALA
  • 2 sizes: 431g / 860g

Product Overview

Vega One All-In-One Shake Unsweetened Natural has a delicious taste and texture without being sweetened. It contains a high dose of essential nutrients per serving including 20g of plant-based protein, 4f of fibre, probiotics, antioxidants, 500mg Omega-3 ALA, and vitamins A & C


Pea protein†, vega one veggies and fruits blend† (carrot juice powder†, spinach powder†, acerola cherry juice powder†, chard powder†, kale powder†, lettuce powder†, pomegranate juice powder†, blueberry juice powder†, acai powder†), golden flaxseed†, pea starch†, agave inulin powder†, natural flavours, spirulina†, quinoa sprouts† (sprouted in water with vitamins b1, b2, b3, b5, b6, and b7), maca root powder†, chia seed powder†, sunflower seed protein†, pumpkin seed protein†, sacha inchi powder†, probiotics (bacillus coagulans), xanthan gum, bromelain, citric acid, mushroom powder†.†organic.